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Archive of our Own tipo di personalità MBTI

Archive of our Own tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Archive of our Own? Archive of our Own è un tipo di personalità ENFP in mbti, 4w3 - sx/sp - 478 in enneagram, SLOAI in big 5, IEI in socionics."

This site has such good fan fics but it's always hard to the fluff ones for some reason, but either way the writing in this site is really fun and just goes into their own world than just only sticking with stereotypes at times. I get the Ne-Fi usage because a lot of the fan fics I've read mostly express Fi from the main character which is mostly from the author and what they might wish would happen to them or at least to a main character they want to live through. And the Ne usage with this by having a lot creative ideas for the characters and the storyline/plot that you won't always see coming or give you a weird, sad, fun, cringey or sweet ranges of emotions while reading them.


Archive of Our Own (AO3) is a nonprofit open source repository for fanfiction(fic) and other fanworks contributed by users. The site was created in 2008 by the Organization for Transformative Works and went into open beta in 2009. As of 2019, Archive of Our Own hosted 5.5 million works in over 35,000 fandoms. The site has received positive reception for its curation, organization and design, mostly done by readers and writers of fanfiction.
