Sulla tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Sulla? Sulla è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 8w7 - sp/so - 873 in enneagram, RCOEN in big 5, ESI in socionics."

Lol I don't want to hear that I'm sensor-phobic but this guy could be used as an example of ESTJ in a highest political position. Correct me if I'm wrong but Julius Caesar was primarily motivated to risk everything and try to consolidate power and march on Rome mainly because Sulla - this guy was known for being a good military commander but a below average politician. The things is that the state officials, soldiers, citizens, politicians despite knowing what he did, how cruel he is, that he took his power by force and that he can not be trusted, all of them remained quiet and scared. The most intelligent people at that time, scholars, teachers, philosophers, once the dictatorship was installed they were to say something against that even tho Sulla and his regime was incompetent and based on violation of all rights at the time. So Caesar's assumption was - people are by nature flock of sheep, they will listen the strongest authority despite reclaiming his power by illegal steps and doing horrifying things. Majority of people will keep their mouths shut no matter how intelligent they are, what they achieved, how educated they are, they will listen and if the guy like Sulla who is not the definition of smartest, most educated or likeable guy at all, can reclaim this power and everyone will obey - WHY NOT ME? Caesar was mocking Sulla for being a bad politician, unable to handle the political situation well because he lacked the mental capacity needed for that (lack of Ni) and he was also unnecessarily cruel even tho it was not beneficial to anyone but he insisted on it because "muh that's how we used to do it = that's how it should be" (Si moment). Sulla also failed to create a likeable portrait of himself, he relied on his military achievements and that his actions speak loud enough (ESTJ hint imo) but that's not how most of the people or at least not everyone (populars) think. Also the way Sulla was trying to LEGITIMIZE the dictatorship, either by law or by religion ("Gods wanted this"), it seems to me that he was doing it for either him or people like him who share the similar values but from the pragmatical point of view that was just wasting strength and humiliating oneself altough he probably wanted to convince other SJs about it while ignoring how political intrigue works and how he looks in the eyes of the powerful individuals. Also the way the came up with many possibilities and theories why his rule is retrospectively legitimate shows some creativity, maybe that's bcs ESTJs 3rd function is Ne. Sulla was exactly the type of guy who would make a great minister of defence or who would be an excelent field marshal capable of achieving great victories since he had good organization skills. However I don't see Ni anywhere, the lack of Ni and especially his emphasis on Si made him who he was and why history turned out this way. + regarding the ESTP, he was seen as unpredictable by some people that's true but if you look at his traumatical and tough childhood (death of relatives, beatings), he learned from the very young age that anything that exist or lives at the moment can be gone any minute - people dying, cities burning, battles lost/won. He was forced to live this "day-to-day" lifestyle since he was young, he didn't seem to deliberately choose that and he seemed to not really like that and that was probably the reason he was so cruel and stressed - it did not suit him right.


(Lucius Cornelius) Sulla was a Roman general and politician who was known for his conflict with his former general Gaius Marius. When Sulla was stripped of a command against Mithridiates VI (while he was out of Rome) by Gaius Marius, he decided to take Rome by force, which eventually would lead the way as an example for Julius Caesar to do (although Sulla and Caesar were opposites in political positions: Sulla-optimate, Caesar-populares). Sulla took power as a dictator, and was the first Roman to do so since the Second Punic War.
