1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. Dexter

James Doakes tipo di personalità MBTI

James Doakes tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è James Doakes? James Doakes è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 863 in enneagram, SCOEN in big 5, SLE in socionics."

Very similar character to Sgt. Dignam from The Departed in appearance, language, work attitude as well as type ambiguity. I see where the Te Dom votes come from however Doakes being intuition auxiliary is as biased as it comes. Its shown in S7 where the suspicions come from, and its based on visual tangible aspects of Dexter that seem off. What ticked him about "Creep job" was firstly, his clear joy when describing the process of a murder and his unconvincing answer to where he heard a quote he says to Doakes (Bullsht! You dont have any friends) given it was in the suspect's journal that Doakes had locked up in his desk. That's where he reveals the rest of weirdo's off qualities such as his fake smile and donuts, even the way he walks is off. (You glide like a ...fucking lizard on ice) "Its all a fucking act and I aint buying it. You're hiding something and one day Imma figure out what it is" Also the fact that he has dark qualities of is own from his experiences in the Black Ops makes it easier to spot such aspects in others so not much abstraction went into it. Another thing is how easy it seems to lead Doakes down a path as long as the material facts make sense, and which Doakes likes to do anyway - telling psycho what to say in his report to make his job simpler and more straightforward. And being straightforward is very high on Doakes traits, no need for elaborate plans or dodgy schemes just pushing straight through what or who is in his way. Aux Intuition is not reflective of Doakes at all. If he was, it would be seen in other aspects of his job and life not just the Dexter rabbithole. He'd be ESTJ way before ENTJ. With regards to ET v ES, there's not much to point towards him being ET dominant. ET is intellectual, primarily oriented towards structures and laws of thought from those they deem to be authorities, classifying as well as systematizing these objective facts and enforcing the formula on themselves and their environment. They're bound first and foremost by objective reasoning and logical conclusions, everything else is secondary and judged by the formula as being good or bad. Doakes doesnt enforce objective standards either on himself or others and he isnt much for telling people the proper way to do things, only when its what he wants from them to get the job done. He's matter of fact in the tangible sense, relying more on what he's actually experienced to guide him in his job rather than what he's learnt from objective authorities. He's not a perfect fit or example of the type but he sure isnt ET dominant. ES(T) by J.H. Van Der Hoop More complicated forms of this type occur where a second function is developed up to a certain point. Where reason is developed, it will, in these people, be affected by the predominating function, i.e. in this case by outwardly directed instinct. The result is that reason is directed chiefly to facts, and limited to the empirical. It accepts, for its classification of facts, the thought-systems in current use. Thought is thus unoriginal and avoids any complexity, but is solid and practical. In simple, practical matters, judgment is accurate and very reliable. In Enneagram, he fits the hardened egoistic demander SP8 over the vehement perfectionist SX1. Also described as a lone wolf by Dex, "surprised to hear you have friends" by his ex-lover, keeps everyone at a distance even when secretly caring for them like LaGuerta or Debra. Very bull-headed and demanding at work to get his needs met. Kinda like Dignam, Les Grossman or Ari Gold but black with an accent.

