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Matthías Haraldsson tipo di personalità MBTI

Matthías Haraldsson tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Matthías Haraldsson? Matthías Haraldsson è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - in enneagram, RCOEI in big 5, in socionics."

After watching a lot of his interviews, I must say that he gives me strong Ni vibes, meaning this kind of thoughtful, reflexive person, who has concerns and is preoccupied about society and the future. His parents and Klemens have described him as a healer before so I am not surprised that he has Fe as an auxiliary function. He is also known as a very calm, wise, and fair person, which is extremely INFJ. I am sure he has Ti too, but I don't think that it's his dominant function. I mean, when he is playing his role as an extremely serious, scary guy, it may look like it, but I think that's exactly his intention. But you can see it yourself: he sometimes ''forgets'' his role, smiling softly or relaxing (and then Klemens is the one who corrects him). He says that he has some ''masculine energy'' (while Klemens has the feminine one) because he is not very expressive, which not only confirms the Fe (not a Fi, definitely) auxiliary function but also shows how accurate would be having Se as his Inf.


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