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Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina tipo di personalità MBTI

Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina? Ruvellis Kamaludin Shana Castina è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - 146 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

I'll never agree with him being INTJ for the basic reason that he failed to read the real feelings of both his father and Tia. And this probably the biggest reason why the tragedies happened in the first timeline. Had he not misunderstood them and realized that he was loved by both of them, no tragedies would ever happened even if he was poisoned by Duke Jena later on. If you read the POV of Ruve from the first timeline, it's too obvious how strong his Si is. It's plausible that Si is dominant in him. There are many instances of this, but I'll just quote some: 1. He was embarrassed by Duke Jena's offer for him to marry Jiun since he only see Tia as his future empress. He couldn't toy with the thought of having two women, but later agreed to take Jiun as his empress due to no opposition in both the government and Tia, his real fiancé. 2. He had a hard time processing why Tia didn't act like his fiancé by showing some jealousy or disapproval behaviors after Jiun showed up. He continued to felt taken aback by Tia's lack of dependency on him as a husband after she became his concubine. 3. He possessed a strong sense of duty to both his family and citizens, despite acting cold on the surface. Rather, he felt taken aback by Tia's father's choice to let her daughter being executed when he could actually free her using the Monique's family's right. For the aux Te, I think it's quiet obvious. He's very strategic and had no problems at all in inheriting his father's ideal after he became the emperor.


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