1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. True Detective

Martin “Marty” Hart tipo di personalità MBTI

Martin “Marty” Hart tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Martin “Marty” Hart? Martin “Marty” Hart è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w9 - so/sx - 862 in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

"People gives you rules" "That's I always said...I think Rust needed a family. It's boundaries. Boundaries are...Good." "I wouldn't go around spouting that ****, I was you. People around here don't think that way. I don't think that way" "I keep things even, separate, like the way I can have this one beer without needing 20." [...] You know the real difference between you and me? The difference is that I know the difference between an idea and a fact. You are incapable of admitting doubt. Now, that sounds like denial to me." Pure Ti (structuring, categorizing) and Fe (common values and standards). I could understand an argument of him being ESFJ, but he's not a Si/Ne user at all. Besides, where you guys saw Fi aux?



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