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Friedrich Nietzsche tipo di personalità MBTI

Friedrich Nietzsche tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Friedrich Nietzsche? Friedrich Nietzsche è un tipo di personalità INTJ in mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 548 in enneagram, RLOEI in big 5, IEI in socionics."

As someone who was a nihilist before knowing anything obout philosophy and was slowly being eaten by it alive, I can with certainty say Nietzsche is the single best self help guru I can name. (If that was his intent I don't know but thats what I got out of his work) He was for sure batshit crazy but out of any philosopher I've read (which arguably isn't that many) I find a genuenly tender care in his writing. Like that crackhead uncle who makes a lot of good points but you need to sift through all the madness to find em. I'm not sure what the public opinion on Nietzsche is outside of reddit edgelords or the occasional political namedrop but he seems a lot more sensitive and caring than he's portrayed to be. Most def. intelligent but the way he talks obout art and it's value in the human experience gives me a feeling of great comfort and I think speaks to a softer shade that I don't see that many people point out. Also bangin hair I need his barbers digits ASAP.


Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, prose poet, cultural critic, philologist, and composer whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy. His work enjoyed renewed popularity in the 1960s and his ideas have since had a profound impact on 20th- and early 21st-century thinkers across philosophy—especially in schools of continental philosophy such as existentialism, postmodernism and post-structuralism—as well as art, literature, poetry, politics, and popular culture.

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