Bowser tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Bowser? Bowser è un tipo di personalità ESFP in mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 847 in enneagram, SLOEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

In my opinion, Boswer's assertive and tyrannical characteristics best fit the SX8. Sexual Eights are often recognized as the most domineering and outspoken subtype, leading them to become extremely possessive and controlling of others when unhealthy. It's common to find that examples of this subtype are often very intense and seek to take possession and become central figures in their environment. When we look at Bowser, we can see that he is fascinated by the idea of gaining more power, and he will use any means necessary to subjugate anyone who stands in his way. He's incredibly expressive and unpredictable and will go to any lengths, including hurting those who work for him and sacrificing innocents, to achieve his goals. When questioned, Bowser snaps violently and appears to get his way primarily through intimidation. While he is fairly romantic, I think that his feelings towards Peach best match the motivations of an unhealthy E8. Based on what we're given in the movie, I think that Bowser admires Peach because he views her as a powerful figure much like himself, and he believes that if they were to come together, nothing would be able to stop them from ruling over everyone beneath them. When Peach directly rejects Bowser, he doesn't hesitate to threaten to torture Toad in order to force her to marry him. Bowser wants to control everything within his grasp, whether it be another person or another kingdom, and this aspect of possession best captures his motivations. → “The word to define it is possession. And I used to think that this also had to do with physical possessions, but later I realized that this passion is limited to grabbing the other: the sexual eight is very possessive in his relationships. This word also has to do with taking ownership of the entire scene: the sexual eight always wants to be the center. It is always fascinating. Their power comes from a greater seduction, from a greater power of fascination, which differentiates them stylistically from others.” Based on the quote above, I believe that SX8s have the capacity to become obsessed with the idea of possessing another person, retaliate violently whenever rejected, ignore the advice of everyone around them, and carry on with their own personal conquest. Sources:



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