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  2. Fumetti web
  3. I love Amy

Peter tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Peter? Peter è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 927 in enneagram, SCOAI in big 5, ESE in socionics."

i love him???? he's so sweet and considerate?????? he's just a dude. and that's awesome. like there's nothing else there. like he's just a guy who likes hanging out with people and having fun. that's so cool. very much ENFJ !!!! i'm not sure about his enneagram because he literally shows no flaws whatsoever (maybe aside from his obliviousness to some people not really liking him like amy, but i don't think that's a pride thing, i think it's just him being too trusting and deaf to tone), but i'm kinda inclined to think sx7 based off what we know about him so far?? or at least fellow people who have been keeping up with that one bootleg 😭 LOL


Fumetti web caratteri simili a Peter
