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  3. The Imperfects

Dr. Alex Sarkov tipo di personalità MBTI

Dr. Alex Sarkov tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Dr. Alex Sarkov? Dr. Alex Sarkov è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

[SPOILERS] He comes off ENTP but it was kinda hard because his Fe doesn't seem like it's there at first. Although, just because you have Fe it doesn't mean you're automatically going to use it for good all the time and be super empathetic and kind. He always says he doesn't care how anyone feels about anything. So I think he does have Fe and not Fi because he IS paying attention to how everyone feels around him. He's very aware of the various sentiments the people around him have. It's just because how he was "raised" he doesn't make positive use of what he observes in the sentiments of others; in other words, weirdly undeveloped Fe. He has like no morals so Fi Trickster checks out. He has 0 personal beliefs, just his logical conclusion that this is the right way to save humanity. Which is probably why he can be the mad scientist stereotype because there's nothing hindering him from steamrolling ahead. Overall, he prioritizes moving forward by all means so Ne Dom does make sense. Even though Tilda proved something was off about the nanobots he still wanted to push forward and fix the previous flaws next time around (Ne-Si). Taking that next step and seizing the new opportunity to fulfill his plan is always priority for him.


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