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  3. Virtual Youtubers

Kyo Kaneko tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Kyo Kaneko? Kyo Kaneko è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 3w4 - sp/sx - 371 in enneagram, SLOAN in big 5, LSE in socionics."

he is too careful... too organized. he plans everything. the moment he is done working on something he immediately starts working on the next thing ( example the day after his membership opening stream he asked people about what new emotes to commission and started taking suggestions ). the waiting room for the next stream is up the moment he finishes his current one. his schedules are early. he doesnt like to go out of topic. he calls people out for behaviors he finds annoying disrespectful or weird. he is not scatterbrained and you can tell how different he is from enna in their tierlist stream " how did we get from point A B C TO Z ? " i feel like his DBH streams show his personality well i really cant see him as an ENFP at all. like AT ALL. ill go with ESTJ for now but thats only a guess. hope someone takes what i mentioned in mind and actually type him correctly ( if he actually turn out to be an ESTJ then damn... i didnt think ill ever like one of those )


Kyo Kaneko (金子 鏡) is a male English VTuber affiliated with NIJISANJI EN's sixth wave "ILUNA", alongside Maria Marionette, Aia Amare, Aster Arcadia, Scarle Yonaguni, and Ren Zotto.
