1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. Alchemy of Souls: Return (2022)

Naksu (Jo-Yeong) tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Naksu (Jo-Yeong)? Naksu (Jo-Yeong) è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 863 in enneagram, RCUEN in big 5, LII in socionics."

No not Ni dom. The constant need to use logic and reasoning, bringing a sense of inward control over a given problem (or a certain Jang Uk), yeeting everyone and her personal attachments and feelings in order to be more objective, THAT'S A TI DOM Y'ALL. MORE INFERIOR FEELING FUNCTION THAN A TERTIARY. She's still herself even after entering another body. The clear Ni dom would go to the real Mudeok or Jin Buyeon in my opinion, I can see how she could possibly be few steps ahead of everyone else, saving Jang Uk from being a victim of the soul ejector, her initial plan to exhilarate the ice stone after retriving it only to be yeeted off by a JinMu, I smell a Jin Buyeon navigating through Ni to help achieve some secret goals.


Nak-su (before alchemy of souls) / Jo Yeong (real name). Naksu is an assassin and a “soul shifter”. Mortally wounded after a confrontation with an elite group of mages, she switches bodies with another girl named Mu-Deok (Collider.com, 2022).

Televisione caratteri simili a Naksu (Jo-Yeong)
