The Elder tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è The Elder? The Elder è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 1w9 - so/sp - 152 in enneagram, in big 5, EII in socionics."

“You are filled with a fear that you can’t control, the fear of destiny” That scene where everybody is fighting and he stand up and said a proverb filled with deep symbolical analogies with animals and insights that nobody right there understood (and I can’t remember the proverb, I may edit this comment later) made me think: Ok, this guy is "absolutely Ni", he shows Ni even at times when Se would fix the things, and that's exactly what made that scene funny. And his Ni is aligned with Fe-aux instead of Te-aux. He dedicated his Ni deep insights to social relations, the emotional realm and the causalities between people relations, and emotional interactions. Something interesting: It is very interesting how this stereotype of Japanese Samurais is Ni-dom heavy, but they use Se (the repressed function) better than everybody else when they are using Katanas 🗡️😆


Hiroyuki Sanada, revealed to be The Elder aka The Father's father, who is eager to get revenge on an old friend from long ago

Letteratura caratteri simili a The Elder
