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  2. Film
  3. Creed (Franchise)

Damien "Dame" Anderson tipo di personalità MBTI

Damien "Dame" Anderson tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Damien "Dame" Anderson? Damien "Dame" Anderson è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 3w4 - sp/sx - in enneagram, in big 5, SLE in socionics."

Damian is a Te dom. Throughout the entire movie, Damian always has a very structured goal. As a kid, he had a specific goal of gaining success through winning a gold medal in the olympics and then becoming a pro-boxer. As an adult, he saw that playing Adonis’ feelings would be the most logical and efficient route for him to become the heavyweight champion, even if it meant playing dirty in the process. Damian’s inferior Fi was also apparent, as he never let his anger and desire for revenge against Adonis get in the way of his plan to use Adonis’ influence. Damian is also Ni > Ne, as he always tunnel visioned onto the idea of becoming the heavyweight champion, rather than considering all the possibilities he had. For MBTI, my conclusion is ENTJ. He’s also a 3w4, as he’s ambitious and has a clear desire to be seen as the best. It was seen in the movie that Damian isn’t the most interested in social interactions (the party event), but can be quite charismatic and outgoing when the conversation benefits his desires (in this case, his plans to become the champion).

