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  3. God Of War

Thor tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Thor? Thor è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 873 in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

Clearest 4-fix, the only difference from him and Kratos whose 3-fix and chol dom. Also the quote from top comment -> “He knows he is not the best family man, so he tries to forget his guilt with alchohol. "Thor is only good for two things, killing giants and pissing meads." Sounds a lot like triad fixation of Sp4 avoidance of their inner lack of self esteem/neurotic-being and deterring themselves from the reality of it through acquisition of higher sensations i.e an excerpt from “By Way of Introduction: Principle Contrasts between the Subtypes of E4”: “I visit my friend’s house and I look at it and think, what a pretty house…The next thing I do is put up brand new curtains in mine, I make changes, therefore compensating the idea and feeling that my house is worse.” “The self-preservation is the subtype where envy appears the most denied, and it can be hard to recognize it because the person does not sit in their feelings of lack and envy toward what they do not have, but rather, through effort, they transform whatever it is they envy in a compensatory way, therefore defending themselves from the feeling of envy.”


Thor (Old Norse: Þórr) is the Norse Aesir God of thunder, lightning, storms, and strength. He is the son of Odin and Fjörgyn, husband of Sif, half-brother of Týr, Heimdall, and Baldur. The father of Magni, Modi, Thrúd, and step-father of Ullr. Thor appears in the true ending of God of War (2018), and returns as the secondary antagonist of God of War: Ragnarök. Thor is widely feared throughout the Nine Realms for his cruelty, violent temper, brutality, and sadism. He is utterly ruthless, showing no mercy to his enemies, and his bloodlust was noted by Mimir to be the only thing greater than Odin's paranoia, and many consider him the worst of the Aesir gods. Despite being half-giant himself, Thor took sadistic pleasure in torturing and killing any giant he could find. His reputation was somewhat similar to Ares - who was considered the worst among the Olympian Gods and Kratos - who was feared through out Greece era for his genocidal act against the Gods.
