1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Cartoni animati
  3. Horton Hears a Who!

JoJo McDodd tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è JoJo McDodd? JoJo McDodd è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 594 in enneagram, RCUEI in big 5, SLI in socionics."

men don't look like him anymore 🙁


JoJo is so worried that he'll say something to disappoint his father that he finds it best not to speak- ever. But he's anything but silent. He hears music in the tapping of an old keyboard, feels the beat in the rhythmic bounce of a basketball and finds harmony in wind whistling over a comb. It is later revealed that JoJo takes nightly excursions to the Abandoned Star-Study Tower, and the one time we see him about to leave, his arms are filled with various odds and ends, are to work on what is rather literally a giant instrument: he had filled the observatory with these castaway items and set up an elaborate system to produce music. JoJo uses his Symphonophone to add to the ruckus needed to alert the citizens of Nool to their existence, in addition to his signature cry: "YOPP!"
