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Raphael tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Raphael? Raphael è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 278 in enneagram, SCOEI in big 5, EIE in socionics."

I hate him. But I love him. But I hate him. The folks at Larian did an amazing job with this character, and Andrew Wincott's performance as him was a show stealer. That damn voice always gets my cheeks burning. Alright, now that I've gotten that out of my system, it's time to discuss. I finally played the official release and while I haven't finished it yet, I played enough to get a feel of Raphael's personality. Heavy spoilers ahead, so you guys might want to skip this for now if you do not want to be spoiled. . . . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9lKxdcdmb0 With the way Raphael explains his goals, he's giving xNTJ, but I'm leaning towards ENTJ because of *how* he seeks to achieve it. While his Ni is strong, his Te is stronger. Te - "The Hells require order to function. It's what separates us from mortals and demons." So much Te in one sentence. He goes on about how he would impose perfect order- through unity, efficiency, and control. When you visit his House of Hope and steal from him or attempt to destroy your contract, he will go on a tirade about his dislike for chaos and how you brought it in his house as an uninvited guest. Ni - Raphael's Te is supported by his vision of how the Hells should be. His desire for control is backed by plans, and he has a future-oriented approach to achieving them. A Si user would see Karsus' Folly as a warning. Raphael intuits that as a devil, perhaps he will have a better chance of putting the crown to good use. Se - as his child function, this is where he haves some fun. He loves a good performance. If you face off against him in his optional battle in the House of Hope, you'll know what I mean. Raphael enjoys the finer things, and if what you find in his bedroom in the House of Hope is anything to go by, he enjoys indulging his senses. Fi - though its in the inferior, and his TeNi is more prominent, he seems to be adamant about his own perceived virtues, such as greed and ambition. But he also contradicts himself a few times. Some examples I can think of is him saying he loathes litters of kittens, yet he tells Voss that he much prefers a cat to a dog. He claims to hate chittering children, and yet he shows a semblance of fondness for Mol for her perceived virtues. He hates chaos in his own home, but he's willing to throw things off of balance to get what he wants, like challenging the order of the Hells. He criticizes Karsus for overreaching his limits, and yet he's doing the same. Raphael comes across as someone who doesn't really know what he wants because of his unexamined values. For his desire for control, ambition, and presence, I initially voted for 8w7, but later on in the game I started to agree with the 3w2 crowd. I still sniff a hint of that 8 somewhere, so I'm going for 385. He's ambitious, knowledgeable, and protective of his resources and assets. He's a charming devil by default but shows a desire to preserve his own interests, and seems to have a difficult time with intimacy so he would rather sleep with a copy of himself, so I'm going with so/sp/sx. His temperament seems to be in the Choleric-Sanguine too, with how he fluctuates between his control freak tendencies and superficial charm.


Raphael is a Cambion NPC in Baldur's Gate 3 who first appears to players disguised as an enigmatic Human, but quickly reveals his true form and intentions.
