Melina tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Melina? Melina è un tipo di personalità ESFP in mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - 279 in enneagram, SCUAI in big 5, ESE in socionics."

I wrote a long comment the other day but the site exploded on me and now I don't have the drive to do it again. The bottom line, and also the reason why I wanted to make a post here to begin with, is that in her interview with Dr. K you can see a near perfect depiction of what inferior Ni looks like. The fear about the uncertainty of the future, of feeling like not really having a direction, all paired with a good dose of wild assumptions(most of which incorrect)which all stress her out so much. I've seen so often people ask what inferior Ni looks like and this is exactly it. Other than that I had also tried to explain why she's not dom Fe, how she does not create a bridge between her and others as ESFJ do, nor she really picks up on the signals they give her. Sharing and being at peace with everyone is just her own version of happiness(somewhat remininescent of a hippie)and not a display of a function. ExFP use Fi to try to affect the world around them through emotions, it's similar, but subtly different, it's the reason why they always got high socioFe. Sorry if I don't rewrite the full argument, but I'm just upset at the website for wasting my time.


Melina Goransson (born: August 17, 1998 [age: 25]) is a Swedish Just Chatting streamer who currently has over 400K followers on Twitch. Her streams generally involve her adventures traveling the world or simply talking to her chat from her room.
