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Lionel Dahmer tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Lionel Dahmer? Lionel Dahmer è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - in enneagram, RCOEN in big 5, in socionics."

Currently reading his book. Look at this quote: "But now, when I glimpse Jeff's picture in a book or on the television, I wonder just how close I came to that state of deadness and emotional flatness to which my son last descended [...] I see and hear my son, and I think, "Am I like that?"" Given Jeffrey Dahmer's crimes, any parent would ask if it were their fault. Lionel's way shows a struggle between tert Fi and Ne inf. Lionel's best frame of reference for interpreting others' emotional states are his own inner world. He notices that others have different perspectives from his own but his recounts of relationships with others show that Lionel was struggling to integrate those realizations because he reaches them with inferior Ne. His Si is a fine-toothed comb throughout the book, combing through every reinterpretation of his family life that comes up. On Lionel's Te - It's definitely serving his Si. Lionel describes himself as "analytical" throughout the book. And I take his word for it. His writing is Si's contextualization anchored by Te judgements. His go-to in interpersonal interactions tends toward a measured, gentle offering of Te facts. He said this about his discovery of Jeffrey's drinking problem (came home, saw him slurring and nearly passed-out as a high schooler): "But the evidence was overwhelming, and so I had no choice but to believe it, and then to deal with it."


Lionel Herbert Dahmer (July 29, 1936 – December 5, 2023) was an American chemist and writer. He was best known for being the father of the convicted serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer (1960-1994). He wrote the book "A Father's Story" about his son. The book was published in March 1994, only 8 months before Jeffrey died in prison. Lionel was born in West Allis, Wisconsin.
