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  2. Letteratura
  3. Beach Read

January Andrews tipo di personalità MBTI

January Andrews tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è January Andrews? January Andrews è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 6w7 - - in enneagram, SLUAI in big 5, in socionics."

She's definitely an ENFJ. Just look at her cognitive functions. Every bit of her history is Fe, and this book starts with her trying to find herself in a life of Fe. All her daydreaming is Ni-Se, and even her focus on the decor and her clothes/shoes supports that. Not to mention, the whole debate between her writing style and Gus's is Ni-Se (hers- future, big pic, daydreamy) and Ne-Si (his- history focused, deep research into details, deliberate action plan). Lastly, how can she be an ENFP if, and I quote, she says, "... me pretending to be spontaneous and carefree, as usual," key word, "pretending" (paperback page 117) Put that together and you have Fe-Ni-Se-Ti. ENFJ. Case solved.


Letteratura caratteri simili a January Andrews
