1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Letteratura
  3. The Baby-Sitters Club

Stacey McGill tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Stacey McGill? Stacey McGill è un tipo di personalità ESFJ in mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 317 in enneagram, RLOAI in big 5, EII in socionics."


Originally from New York City, she moved to Stoneybrook when her father was transferred. Frequently described as chic, sophisticated and "boy-crazy", Stacey, like Claudia, had many boyfriends but few long-lasting relationships. She was the treasurer of the club, as she had a gift for mathematics. She moved back to New York in Goodbye, Stacey, Goodbye when her father was transferred back, but returned to Stoneybrook in Welcome Back, Stacey when her parents divorced, and her mother decided that she preferred living in the small-town environment. Frequent attention is paid to the fact that she is diabetic, and she is hospitalized multiple times throughout the series. She quits the club to spend more time with other friends in Stacey vs. the BSC, but she rejoins in Stacey and the Bad Girls.
