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Takaya Misaki tipo di personalità MBTI

Takaya Misaki tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Takaya Misaki? Takaya Misaki è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 9w8 - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

I literally have no idea what he is... I keep changing my vote from INTP to INFJ to INTJ. the way Kai describes him comes off as INFJ or INTP with developed Fe because Kai says he always sets his feelings aside and puts his friends first (so Fe > Fi) but the way Tada describes himself is that he's bad at understanding other people's feelings, like in the case of Shimura when he just assumed she felt the same (Fi > Fe). I don't see too much Ne in him but some general traits I have recognized in him are that he's incredibly observant and good at picking up on how Kai feels, he's reserved but will show the slightest bit of emotion when he's happy, he likes teasing people (especially Shimura) and it doesn't seem like he's constantly trying to organize his external world (which I cannot tell for Shimura either) so maybe he uses Ti > Te... but if he uses Fi > Fe then he's definitely an INTJ so yeah someone help me


Anime e manga caratteri simili a Takaya Misaki
