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John Brzenk tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è John Brzenk? John Brzenk è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 9w8 - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

The GOAT of arm wrestling, I don't know how but he definitely has those typical ISTP vibes, Why? Much more focused on the sport rather than glam. Check Professional Mechanic at an airline. Check Not your typical top dog bully, humble (yet emotionally nonreactive). Check Loves training alone or in a close friend circle, exploring new techniques. Check Being at top of a sport for around 40 years but don't have any arrogance of any kind. Check Looks like your typical American uncle, with no flashy T-shirts, no typical lavish athlete lifestyle of any kind, just a dude doing his mechanic job. Check Prefers destroying opponents with brute strength on table rather than pre-match dissing fights. Check


John Brzenk is a former professional armwrestler from the United States. He competes in the Ultimate Armwrestling League and is the current UAL Right-Handed Champion. He won the 2015 World Armwrestling League right handed Heavyweight championship.

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