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Fresh (abomination) Sans tipo di personalità MBTI

Fresh (abomination) Sans tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Fresh (abomination) Sans? Fresh (abomination) Sans è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 748 in enneagram, SCOAI in big 5, ESE in socionics."

I'm here to give an opinion, and my opinion is that Fresh is an ESTP. Se is a pretty obvious place to start, it being the dominant function and all, so let's start from there. Fresh has a pretty big amount of Se, and I think it trumps Ne (which others have proposed as his dominant function) as Fresh is always attached to his reality, and is surprisingly observant, taking into account his airheaded and "dumb" mask. This is shown through his interactions with those such as Ink. In one of the Underverse (my primary source of evidence) shorts (Underverse Short #2 to be exact), Fresh is shown in a scene with Error. Firstly, he quickly notices Error's sudden arrival, (which I doubt an intuitive, stuck in their own world would, using my personal experience as evidence here) and then confronts him. Now, I'm not too sure here, but Fresh seems to be extremely aware of Error's fear, probably by noticing his (rather blatant) body language, and somehow seems to be threatening him, whilst also being extremely aware as to when to back down and keep his own safety in mind. The way this is executed seems to show his full ESTP skillset, and combines all of his other functions, Ti, Fe and Ni. Ti, is shown through his less obvious constant analysis of situations. He seems to, in conjunction with Fe, be deciding and deducing the right things to do at any time, using his knowledge of how his world and other people work. Although he is incapable of feeling emotions, he has a steady grasp of Fe, regularly mimicking others to compensate for his lack of innate Fe, giving off the impression of a rather socially-inept monster, but it's clear he's trying his best to fit in, and maybe that's all that counts. Lastly, Ni. Fresh demonstrates limited Ni, and doesn't seem to entirely understand this function. His only goal is staying alive, he does make a few plans to do so (such as the deal with Ink), but this function tends to be overruled by his impulsive Se. Overall, this was a pretty easy typing for me, but if you have any other opinions, feel free to make your rebuttal in the replies section, I love hearing arguments for different types.


90s/80s slang talking censorer

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