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Barbara ‘Babs’ Gordon “Batgirl” tipo di personalità MBTI

Barbara ‘Babs’ Gordon “Batgirl” tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Barbara ‘Babs’ Gordon “Batgirl”? Barbara ‘Babs’ Gordon “Batgirl” è un tipo di personalità ENFP in mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 749 in enneagram, SLUAI in big 5, IEE in socionics."

some of u guys seem to have a misconception about what Ti really is. no, it’s not about curiosity, any function can be curious. don’t contribute personality traits to functions- they aren’t the same. functions are about how we judge and perceive the information we receive to make decisions and judgements. Ti is internal thinking, this means high Ti users will judge information through their own personal logic. barbara doesn’t exactly do this; she is more focused on her personal value system, which is Fi. i’ll compare barbara to kara for a second. while kara is a clear Ti user, making decisions through her own logical frame base, often calling objective or clear strategical logic “stupid.” barbara focuses on her internal values more, and for Te, she often goes with external logic: facts and data.


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