Irumean tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Irumean? Irumean è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 in enneagram, SCOEI in big 5, ILE in socionics."

The two are not necessarily the same. When normal iruma(ENFJ) was in control. He's only focus is making the people around him comfortable and happy.(Fe Dom) However in his dark phase, he went from seeing people as people to seeing them as tools. He gain a sudden goal and then make use of others strengths and weaknesses to his advantages. Te main focus is always identify a problem and making immediately moves to fix it. Which dark iruma has fulfil while also throwing himself in his work like a certain student council president(Also a Te Dom). He also show to be quite dismissive of others feelings and has a hard time understanding them(his surprised when the staffs supported his cause). And his main approach towards any situations has always been bold and straight forward (no tact). There are very rare cases for ENFJ to be 8w7(which make them extremely similar to ENTJ) but even then, they have not forgotten their FE. As such will only gain the 8w7 need for control while maintaining their main people- oriented function of FE. Hence ENTJ 8w7.


Irumean is the demoniac phase of Iruma, which appeared when Alicred used his magic to turn him into a evil phased “demon” in order to help him to understand the demons properly.
