Rania tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Rania? Rania è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 7w8 - - 738 in enneagram, SCUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

Despite being the most "impulsive" and carefree. She's actually more level-headed of the bully clique that she was the only one who worked out who was messing with her group. Also, even in her own words she got off the lightest in comparison to Roqayya and most likely Layan who it's heavily implied got killed by her brother in an "honour killing". She also forshadowed what the brother was going to do when she heard what's Mariam's "final plan" was. The lack of self-awareness to what her and "friends" have done by having the cheek to try and chastise Noaf and Dina for "ruining Roqaya's life" , they were so shocked by that audacity and couldn't take her seriously. Out of the three, Rania shows the most potential that there is a chance she "may" develop into a better person in the future. And grow out of the "mean *****" phase, with Layan and Roqaya not so much since much of how they behave is too ingrained into their personalities. Layan is too stubborn and self-absorbed to admit fault in how she behaves or accept not getting what she wants. And Roqayya is trapped in her repressive upbringing, which leads to her making a blip judgement of error, that causes her to be repressed 100x by her family. There is no room to "grow" or even change under those circumstances, I think this is why she became a bully as a twisted form of "letting off steam". Rania, isn't as self-absorbed and steadfast as Layan or stubborn and isn't from as strict of family as Roqayya. As the ending demonstrated she's capable of "learning" from her experiences. Layan isn't and Roqayya I'm not sure will ever have the choice. The problem is by the time Rania realises that the **** she and her gang did is the genesis to Mariam's vendetta... It's too late. The ending doesn't just mark the killing of Layan/Laith (heavily implied it's Layan) but Mariam also. Who was targeted by them first and even humilated further after she was left for dead by Layan who caused her a severe head injury. The gang had no remorse Layan almost killed Mariam, instead they covered for her when Layan tried to make it out Mariam was some lesbian perv and that Mariam was the villain. Layan was THAT nasty. Although, Noaf and Dina had been victimised by the gang. Mariam got it 1000x worse especially from Layan who main motivation was jealousy and spite. That's why their moral compass is able to let them know when things have gone "too far". With Mariam as she says "You killed me" to Rania, the person she once was who may have had sympathy for Layan's welfare or thought twice before setting the trap is dead.

