1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. Midnight Mass (2021)

Father Paul Hill tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Father Paul Hill? Father Paul Hill è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 962 in enneagram, SLOAI in big 5, IEI in socionics."

His Ni-Ti was so evident whenever he tried to convince other people that their occasional downfalls and mishaps in life contained meaning and how everything ties back to the path God has designed for them. His perception of religion was always heavily reliant on seeking purpose and faith and drawing patterns, as opposed to Bev's perception of religion which could simply be boiled down to blatant convenience of what's already written down on the bible and how she could use it to find loopholes to her own immorality (unhealthy Te-Si and inferior Fi) and just following along with the rules of the Catholic Bible. He kind of just liked the idea of religion as a concept rather than deconstructing it to its core and applying the Old Testament to his own beliefs. If anything, him trying to invent a new one with only bits and pieces of the Old Testament being preserved, parts where he found most appealing and convenient entailed EXTREMELY unhealthy Ni and Ti, to me. He just honestly reminds me of every other INFJ who wants to modify the concepts of older systems and rebuild them to appeal to his subjective knowledge, thinking his revolutionary insights would benefit everyone. Typical Ni dom picking up their thumbtack-sized idealization and trying to pin it somewhere on the drawing board, just loving the way their plans look without completely thinking through of how it could be applied in real-life effectively. But overall, very well-written character.


The enigmatic new priest at St. Patrick's Church, who arrives to temporarily replace the aging Monsignor Pruitt after he became unwell during his pilgrimage in Jerusalem. He’s actually Monsignor John Michael Pruitt after having been bitten by the vampiric “Angel”. This vampirism renewed his youth.

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