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Natalie Holt tipo di personalità MBTI

Natalie Holt tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Natalie Holt? Natalie Holt è un tipo di personalità in mbti, - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

She seems shy, though clearly not shy enough to pelt eggs at Simon Cowell! Fi is probably higher in her stack, so I'm between INFP and ISFP. Tentatively voting ISFP, both for her stunt demonstrating Se and for Loki's theme converging nature around clocks, which could indicate Ni.


Natalie Ann Holt is a British composer and violinist who has worked on numerous film and television projects. She is primarily recognised for her work on several notable productions, including Paddington and Loki.

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