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  3. Selection Project

Nagisa Imau tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Nagisa Imau? Nagisa Imau è un tipo di personalità ENFP in mbti, 3w4 - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

Ahh, I just recently watched Selection Project & she was definitely one of the first ones that caught my eye!! She’s just so cute but with a fight & passion in her. <3 Right off the bat, she’s most definitely an Ne dom. The other girls even know her as “the schemer” because of her knack for coming up with creative ideas that allow her & her group to gain the upper hand. She also displays an openness to explore different ways of doing things, such as the choreography they were working on (I think in ep. 4)!! I looked back on one of the episodes & there’s a quote where she says: “I don’t know if that shows the audience who we are.” This is a statement in reference to the dance choreo where she gets into an argument with Hiromi who preferred to doing the choreo exactly the same way as their reference. Unlike Hiromi, she wanted to take a different approach for the performance to be more authentic – which I believe shows Ne-Fi interaction. As for Enneagram, I see both 2w3 and 3w2/3w4. I’m not really sure which one to choose & I don’t think I have a great grasp on the enneagram yet, so if someone could explain why they would choose one over the other, that would be great!! I’m sort of leaning towards core 3… She’s so cute!!


Despite her sugar-sweet and cute appearance, Nagisa is a quick-thinking and intelligent person. She is very competitive and will only play games that she can win. Nagisa loves talking and candy. "Oh yeah! Isn't this amazing?" ―Nagisa Imau
