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  3. Actors and Actresses (USA)

Jenna Ortega tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Jenna Ortega? Jenna Ortega è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 315 in enneagram, RCOAI in big 5, LIE in socionics."

I’m too scared to vote. INFP vs ENTJ is crazy work never thought I’d see that. But I think ENTJ because she’s heavily disciplined, likes being in control of her environment and making all the decisions. INFPs can be hardworking too but they won’t lead with that behavior. Update: I change my mind. Because I saw this comment from an INFP it hurt my head much to read that I have to put it here: “She is obviously an INFP. Will never change my opinion. ENTJs are too mean to be her, Jenna is such a good actor, she is a Feeler not Thinker.“ INFP counsel get it together. I see a lot of you guys try to claim types with no logical reasoning and it’s not ok. You try to claim every single ISFP and ENFP who is interesting and cool while your arguments are so rude and insulting. It’s a real problem. “This person can’t be an ENTJ because they’re nice!” “They can’t be an ENFP because they’re really smart and deep” ouch?? Like STOP it’s sounding like narcissism how some of you guys put down other types. Like those INFPs really believe they’re the only type who can be cool, deep, smart, interesting, nice, etc. Not all INFPs are like this but I do notice a problem with a lot of them on here being like this more than other types. Edit: changed wording


Jenna Marie Ortega (born September 27, 2002) is an American actress. She began her career as a child actress, receiving recognition for her role as young Jane on The CW comedy-drama series Jane the Virgin (2014–2019). She had her breakthrough for starring as Harley Diaz on the Disney Channel series Stuck in the Middle (2016–2018), which won her an Imagen Award. Ortega played Ellie Alves in the second season of the Netflix thriller series You in 2019 and starred in the Netflix family film Yes Day (2021). She received critical acclaim for her performance in the teen drama The Fallout (2021), and went on to star in the slasher films X and Scream (both 2022), establishing herself as a scream queen. In 2022, Ortega played the titular role in the Netflix fantasy series Wednesday.

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