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Haejoon Goh tipo di personalità MBTI

Haejoon Goh tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Haejoon Goh? Haejoon Goh è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 612 in enneagram, RLOAN in big 5, ESI in socionics."

my guy is typed as 6 core when he: - used to be well-known for his temper and beating people up (still shows said temper from time to time, did we forget this guy deadass destroyed everyone on his way when eunyeong stole his cash at the beginning of the story) - constantly gets into fights with eunyeong with full-on swearing which often evolves into fist-fights - has absolutely no problem clapping back at eunyeong when he's being an asshole - is the epitome of "don't bite me and I won't bite you" all of these allude to sp1. yes, he is a worrywart, but you cannot just take that one characteristic and say he's sp6. he is reserved because he doesn't want to bother others, which is a very good reason to type him as 6-fixed but is still not enough to type him as 6 when there are MANY other instances of him showing that he's, well, Not that

