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  2. Letteratura
  3. Dog Man (Franchise)

Petey the Cat tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Petey the Cat? Petey the Cat è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 584 in enneagram, RLUEI in big 5, in socionics."

Are we sure Petey doesn’t have Choleric as one as his temperaments? He’s a Mel for sure, but I feel like he might be a Melancholic-Choleric. EDIT: Now that I think of it, he’s a Mel dom who disintegrates to Choleric under stress. On other random notes, if I had a dollar for every time Petey has ever had a Fe grip or a Ti-Si loop, I’d be rich. (Okay, he’s really only had a loop in Mothering Heights, but still) Edit: Also stack explanation because I can: Ti: My [robo-bee] blueprints are flawless! Ne: Robots are more important than comics! Si: I’m the bad guy, that’s all I’ve ever been! Fe: Not everyone likes to be petted and slobbered on, ya know!

