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Ashley Ippolito (ur internet mom ash) tipo di personalità MBTI

Ashley Ippolito (ur internet mom ash) tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Ashley Ippolito (ur internet mom ash)? Ashley Ippolito (ur internet mom ash) è un tipo di personalità ENFP in mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 in enneagram, SLUAI in big 5, ESE in socionics."

Her fi is so strong in her mental knots and the way she navigated the strike even though she herself had financial issues as a result of that (which she talks about in her most recent mental knot where she builds a lego heart haha). She also has very strong emotions as to which characters she supports or dislikes in movies and tv series, which shows her fi even more. She kind of reminds me of Phoebe from friends a bit where she has strong values and strives to consistently act on them, it’s like a filter through which she sees the world. Kind of like how ti users will see the world through the lens of what makes sense to them. The ne is kinda obvious? I pretty much disagree with the ENFJ idea some here have.


Ashley Ippolito is an American youtuber. She has three youtube channels: ur internet mom ash, Reacts by Ash, and Ashley Ippolito. She is known for reacting to movies, shows and songs.

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