Dawn Schafer tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Dawn Schafer? Dawn Schafer è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 1w2 - so/sx - 127 in enneagram, SCOAI in big 5, ESE in socionics."

Although I know we're pretty set on voting for ENFJ, I would like to explain why she's not an ENFP. Keep in mind: Season 2 Dawn is played by a different actor than season 1 Dawn so some of behaviours may not be tied to one another. This is also my first typing after 6 months so, please feel free to correct me on my mistakes. Dawn Schafer always wants to help others not in an Fi way, but in an Fe way. Let me expand, she's always focusing on wanting the atmosphere of the club to be positive. Also when Mary-Anne was inviting her to the club, Dawn was making sure Kristy was okay with it (to not disrupt the social harmony) leading more on that episode (Dawn and the Impossible Three) she challenges Kristy's views. I'll load a transcript of the conversation in. Dawn: What's wrong with the Barretts? Kristy (Inferior Fi): The three kids are out of control, and the mom is in a recently divorced wrecking ball phase. Dawn: That's kind of reductive. Kristy: Excuse me. Dawn: I mean, newly divorced? A mom of three kids? Of course she's feeling overwhelmed. Kristy: Then why don't you take the job? Dawn: Does that mean I'm in the Club? Kristy: Possibly, on a probationary basis. Dawn wants to feel accepted in the club along with sneakily switching the conversation in order to please Kristy away from her anger and maintaining social harmony. She also tries to get Kristy to understand which may seem like Fi at first, but then switches the conversation fast after Kristy shuts her off. Even though Kristy disregarded her moral values, she didn't continue arguing which in my opinion is Fe. An Fi user (dom or aux specifically) in that situation would have most likely said "Okay." in a nonchalant way or continue arguing for their moral values. Also I've never really seen a lot of Ne in Dawn, like sure she's quirky and may exhibit some of the traits ENFPs have. Yet she isn't someone who spawns a bunch of new possibilities, she focuses more so on one internal conclusion (Ni). Like in the camp moosehead episodes, her one internal conclusion was shutting down all activities for the greater good since she knows she couldn't satisfy everyone so she tried satisfying the greater audience which could mean rebelling against the leader to satisfy the greater good. An ENFP in this situation would most likely also rebel, but would consider others' feelings like they would allow people to still go to Mary Anne's show and participate in activities they enjoy, Dawn wanted justice not just for Claudia (who was reprimanded to her cabin) but for satisfying the greater audience which also included her disrupting her own moral values. She only considers one option (one internal conclusion) which could also mean not the most logical (inferior Ti). A character I'd compare her to is Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug, although I'd definitely say that Dawn is a much more healthier ENFJ. *I took inspiration of typing this character from a couple of comments on her profile.


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