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  2. Anime e manga
  3. Hikaru no Go

Ogata Seiji tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Ogata Seiji? Ogata Seiji è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 358 in enneagram, SCOEI in big 5, LIE in socionics."

"I did become Jyuudan.. **But the world won't recognize me** until I successfully defend the title next year. Just you wait. I'm going to run all the way to the top." I swear this anime is filled with 3's lol. Though I'm still deciding between sp/so and so/sp 3 for Ogata. Sp 3 description: https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram/page/self-preservation-3-in-detail so 3 description: https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram/page/social-3-in-detail


Anime e manga caratteri simili a Ogata Seiji
