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Alfred Douglas tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Alfred Douglas? Alfred Douglas è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

rereading lmfao and De Profundis was really his All Too Well 10 min version idk but the whole letter is so funny coz Wilde is like wow heartbroken poor me but f+ck you while Bosie is just having a little fun all the time he didnt give af THE SILLY Everyone is like I hate Bosie BROOO Oscar Wilde literally manifested this like he always had this romanticized idea of a youth being hedonistic af beautiful and in decay, homosexual with childish attitudes. ENFP are kinda kinky and artsy so I don’t blame him. Then Bosie read Dorian Gray and said HES JUST LIKE ME!!! and like a big fan he went straight to met Wilde it was like domino effect and in the profundis OW he’s always complaining about life and Bosie but this is what he chose not everything you love and always desired is good for you.


Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas, nicknamed ‘Bosie’, was a British poet and journalist best known as the lover of Oscar Wilde. While studying at Oxford, he edited an undergraduate journal, The Spirit Lamp, which carried a homoerotic subtext, and met Wilde, with whom he started a close but stormy relationship

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