Pyramid Game tipo di personalità MBTI
Qual è il tipo di personalità dei tuoi personaggi preferiti da Pyramid Game?
Pyramid Game
Sung Soo-Ji (Bona) is transferred to Baekyeon Girls' High School in Seoul. She begins classes there in grade 2 class 5. On her first day at her new school, she notices her class being generally peaceful, but also a bit weird. She has to participate in a strange vote called the Pyramid Game, where the students in grade 2 class 5 participate. The game is held once a month and it is like a popularity vote, but the student who gets the lowest number of votes gets an "F" and becomes the target of school violence. Sung Soo-Ji gets zero number of votes and becomes the next target. She is bullied by her classmates and nobody seems to care about that in her class. Sung Soo-Ji tries to get out of her predicament and also tries end the Pyramid Game at her school. cr: Asianwiki.
Tipo di personalità di Pyramid Game caratteri
Quali caratteri Pyramid Game sei e quali personaggi si adattano meglio a te in base al tipo di personalità MBTI?
Tipo di personalità di Pyramid Game attori
Qual è il tipo di personalità di Pyramid Game attori? Gli attori Pyramid Game hanno lo stesso tipo di personalità dei loro personaggi.