Doobydobap mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Doobydobapはどのような性格タイプですか? Doobydobapは、ESTP in MBTI、9w8 - sp/sx - 973 in Enneagram、SCUEN in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

stop voting xNxP for every funny youtuber PDB challenge she literally shows Se-Fe in almost every video the way she tried to act mature, confident and experienced kinda looks Se + Fe + to me and the way she act like a cute petite asian girl in some of her videos screams Fe (wanting approval) and not to stereotype but she has said in multiple occassion that she prefer close physical romance over long distance, and how she believe that E dating will never work, she prefers everything to be real = Se? and she also have these pseudo-Fi that Fe user always do, "i dont care what you think abt me as long as im happy" kinda look like she trying to get compliments and validation such as "yas u go girl!! keep girlbossing!!!" these doesnt mean shes unhealthy, shes actually one of the few healthier ESTP content creator i know. no hate to dooby btw but shes kind of a snob edit: just a comparisons cus people apparently only type someone through humour her jokes are literal and punny theres alot more but im lazy to scroll through her profile you can compare her to Lisa nguyen (who i typed as an ISTP) and senyai grub (who i types as an xNTP) dooby is like lisa but Friendlier i suppose? (thats probably because of higher Fe) dooby and lisa got similiar humour


Doobydobap "Dooby", or by her real name Tina Choi, is a social media cook and content creator from Cornell University who is currently living in Seoul, South Korea.

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