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  3. Not Me

Yok mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Yokはどのような性格タイプですか? Yokは、ENTP in MBTI、7w8 - sx/so - 748 in Enneagram、SLUAI in Big 5、ILE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

after analyzing his functions, I was sure he was ExTP, however, my question was if yok was a Ne or Se dom. he has high Ti, his formulation of ideologies is through his internal logic. he doesn't use external data to create his concepts, it's something subjectively constructed through what he thinks is right ( Ti) . he is not based on morals and internal values, but on what he has built internally for granted. for example, in his conversation with Dan, when dan says he doesn't know if yok's praise for his art was correct because he doesn't have a degree in arts, yok responds with a logical argument that art is not about graduation and studies . yok's opinions are not based on his moral values. His ideas are always built on his own internal thinking and logic. here's why I typed him as Ne dom: in his conversation with sean in ep 7, it's noticeable that sean was worried about his actions and the plan to attack the factory not working out. Sean, as a strong Se user, is guided by his sensations in the moment and his "will to attack", what matters to Sean is how his senses at the moment will make him react, he acts according to the sensations he receives ( Se). Yok, from the start, shows you working with information and showing you how to connect it. when Sean is negative about how he acted, yok gives predictions and turns on information that gives signs of what might happen in the future. Yok's passion for Dan is a good example, he was curious about Dan's art and how it would connect with his interests, in addition to being curious about Dan and his art, he was curious about the new information that would come out to him, was excited by the possibility of new data. he makes a connection between the information and is excited by new ones. it can't be said that he has high If only because he goes after things with ease, because he uses outside information to link them. his Ne makes him want new information and data without knowing them. his Fe is also very high, making him empathetic and feel the outside energy easily. he spontaneously cares for people, without regard to their beliefs or moral values, it is simply out of empathy for the people around him. after seeing all his functions and which ones were clearer, I came to the conclusion that he is a high Fe user. I even thought that Yok could be an ENFJ, but him being Ne>Ti>Fe>Si is perfectly fine.


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