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Anna Runkle (Crappy Childhood Fairy) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Anna Runkle (Crappy Childhood Fairy) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Anna Runkle (Crappy Childhood Fairy)はどのような性格タイプですか? Anna Runkle (Crappy Childhood Fairy)は、ENFJ in MBTI、2w1 - sp/sx - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Oh goodness, I'm SO thankful y'all see her correctly as an ENFJ. Mature ENFJs always have this "tough love" tendency, and Anna always tells it like what it is, but she always does it with empathy and emotional openness (Fe). She does not dismiss your emotion, she empathizes, and I like how she always reads the letters first. She wants to get to know her audiences, emotionally. She could be an INFJ, but her Fe is way too strong, and her emotional openness is a very telling sign of an ENFJ. I know an ENFJ like her in real life. He is very smart, very wise, but also has this tough love tendency. He can be very tough for efficiency, not in "disciplining" way, but with a kind and guiding approach. Honestly, I really don't think Anna is an ESFJ at all. Her approach is always intuitive: She listens to people, walks on their shoes, but she doesn't use her experience to give solutions. What she does is converging her experience and other people's experience's to find patterns and then give the solutions. That really seems like Fe and Ni.


Anna Runkle is the creator of Crappy Childhood Fairy website and YouTube channel. She makes contents about Complex PTSD (which she calls Childhood PTSD) and how it affects a person's relationships, including in cases of limerence, trauma, and attraction towards emotionally unavailable people.

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