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  2. 趣味
  3. Holidays

Easter mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Easterはどのような性格タイプですか? Easterは、ENFP in MBTI、7w6 - so/sp - in Enneagram、SCUAI in Big 5、IEE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Happy Easter 2023 🐰🥚🧺


(date varies; usually March or April): One of the most important times of the year for most Christians, the other being Christmas. The other holiday where everyone, even lapsed Christians, goes to church. The holidays celebrate, respectively, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Easter also marks the end of Lent. Many businesses are closed on one or both days, and schools typically take an extended break around this time. Also, if a state or local government has a holiday schedule different from the federal list above, this is probably where the variation will occur; try to avoid coming to a state court or agency with an "emergency" matter on the Thursday before Good Friday, everyone in the building will probably hate you for it unless it really is a must-be-dealt-with-today-or-people-will-be-seriously-hurt emergency. This is most especially true in the Northeast, on account of the region's large Catholic population (Good Friday is an especially Big Deal for Catholics).
