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Lee Sang Shik mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Lee Sang Shikはどのような性格タイプですか? Lee Sang Shikは、ENFP in MBTI、7w6 - sx/so - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I'm finally watching this drama, so I will make a real final opinion when I will be done. For now I think he has a pretty obvious NE, I totally disagree on Se options 'cause Se is a Concrete function, and Sang Shik is literally the opposite... if there is someone that never looks reality at it is it's him. If we pair it with his obvious sx7 then everything makes sense. He for sure has Gluttony tendencies (7) and a sx way to see the world. He beautifies it, makes it look like rose glasses... especially with his crush, where he took 5 year to actually understand that she didn't have a real interest for it, was but playing with him. About this I also disagree on him being a main Fe user... except the idea that "Fe users are always the kind ones of the room", he never acts with Fe in mind. I can also tell that he is not the best to understand and read the mood of others, in his case in a very embarassing way... he often acts about what he feels is right and have always his own opinion over the things. For example with his video at ep 1 about the society, or overall his way to always act as he feels right makes him always get the wrong way... His Ne is literally everywhere... and this is not 'cause he is creative in his weird way. He is literally someone that always look at reality in another way, as it could be... the whole "She is waiting me after 9 failures" screams Ne... a Se user, that after 5 year still think that destiny is calling... so it's all a destiny? I mean in love we all can be kind of unrealistic sometimes, but after 5 years, you still think all those failures where just to get you a chance 'cause Saturn and Jupiter are alligned? He is most of the time in his head exploring different points, and is always towards the big picture: how did I get there? And then he literally starts with the various options. Ne > Ni.


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