1. 人とキャラクター
  2. ビデオゲーム
  3. Café Enchanté

Ignis Carbunculus mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Ignis Carbunculus mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Ignis Carbunculusはどのような性格タイプですか? Ignis Carbunculusは、ESTP in MBTI、 - - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"


Demon Beast from the Beast World Bestia. A young, flame-wielding werewolf, widely known as the strongest in Bestia. He has an aggressive nature and a short fuse. He gets into fights often because of this. Despite these traits, others still see him as a non-human who has a strong sense of duty and is usually reasonable. Ignis often displays his kindness by calling things as he sees them. His enormous appetite is generally apparent when anyone encounters him scarfing down plates at the café. It goes without saying that he is a lover of meals.

ビデオゲーム Ignis Carbunculusに似たキャラクター

