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Kim Sung Hee mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Kim Sung Hee mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Kim Sung Heeはどのような性格タイプですか? Kim Sung Heeは、ESTJ in MBTI、1w2 - sp/sx - 163 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

it's very difficult to type sunghee because there's so little to go off of since she was only a member of kara for a short time, and then left the public eye, but i wanted to try anyway so here is the conclusion that i've come to thus far. i think she's a clear Te dom. in all the interviews i've watched she comes across as very confident and assertive, even from a young age. she self describes as outgoing and forthright, and talked about how she would often argue with nicole because nicole would speak to her with caution and not get straight to the point. she also stated that nicole was "wrong" in those situations and that she was "right". i don't have much of an argument for Si-Ne over Ni-Se since i wasn't able to find a lot of evidence for anything, but i did consider that she left her singing career behind, something that she was very proud of, passionate about, and had worked hard on improving since she was young, at the request of her parents because she failed her exams. in an interview, nicole talked about how sunghee would wake up late and decide it wasn't worth going to school, and perhaps she thought that not doing well in school wouldn't be an issue for her parents since she had been consistently unmotivated with her schoolwork throughout her time as an idol and that had been allowed to continue without consequence. even though she expressed that she wanted to do well in school for her parents, she prioritised her work as a singer and didn't consider that there might be consequences different from the established pattern. for her enneagram, i'm not completely sold on her core type but i can see her fitting in to any of the 1 subtypes, so3 or sp3, and so6 or maybe sx6. leaning towards sx1 with social as secondary instinct, but may update upon further reflection and insight.


Sunghee is a South Korean artist. She is a former member of the girl group KARA.

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