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  3. Biblical Figures

Simeon (son of Jacob) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Simeon (son of Jacob) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Simeon (son of Jacob)はどのような性格タイプですか? Simeon (son of Jacob)は、ESTP in MBTI、8w9 - - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

According to the Bible, Simeon and his other brothers were sick of Joseph’s prophetic dreams in which they serve him so they decide to kill him, but when it came to kill him, Reuben came and he begged them to not kill him and actually throw him in a pit (where he could rescue him from) to let him starve to death. The testament of Simeon and the Testament of Zabbulon speak of the same story but with a more accurate and a more personal view. In the testament of Simeon we see Simeon and Gad trying to kill Joseph but Joseph being saved by Reuben and Zabbulon. Simeon was also present in the story of Dinah and Shechem and was the one who killed Hamor and the whole town (with Levi, when they were 18 and 19). In his testament he keeps on talking about how reckless and brutal he was and how he had no control over his own feelings, thus letting himself prey to his own anger and he seems to show remorse after he sold Joseph and he takes all of the fault to himself and cries and fasts and suffers because he realizes what he did was wrong and evil. At first he wanted to just kill Joseph but after debating with his brothers (Judah who suggested they would sell him, Reuben who told him to throw him in he pit and Dan who told them to rip off his clothes and splatter them with blood) he realized that if he were to kill Joseph his brothers would put all of the blame on himself thus making him stink in Israel. To be honest, he is one who values the image he has in front of people and in front of his own father and if Dan wouldn’t have said that they will unmask his sun in front of the whole nation he would’ve happily kill Joseph. This is why I believe he has Fe on third place. His instinct got the best of him and was quick to jump on his brother and plan his murder but didn’t thought it through.


Simeon was the second son of Jacob and Leah, and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Simeon.

宗教 Simeon (son of Jacob)に似た有名人
