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  3. Warriors (Series)

Tree mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Treeはどのような性格タイプですか? Treeは、ENTP in MBTI、6w5 - so/sx - 649 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

One of my kind in the warriors universe lol. “Tree is a laid-back and somewhat odd tom. He has strange strategies for hunting, such as crouching still for long periods of time pretending he is a bush. He can see ghosts, which is very off-putting to Clan cats, and, by his own admission, he does not really care for the warrior way of life and would rather do his own thing. However, he cares deeply for his family, always helping and comforting them when they are in need. He also has a sarcastic sense of humor. Tree is highly intelligent, perceptive and insightful, as he often notices things that other cats don't and is very good at solving problems. This is shown when he came up with a solution to Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf, and the fact he was the first cat to recognize the danger inherent in the fake Bramblestar's accusations of codebreakers. He was also the first to recognize that the impostor was merely using StarClan's silence as a way to turn the Clans against each other. Despite being generally laid-back and good at staying calm when insulted or under pressure, Tree does have his limits and is not incapable of losing his temper or patience, or holding grudges. A prime example of this is his relationship with his mother Moonlight, against whom he holds a powerful grudge for abandoning him as a kit. When reuniting with Moonlight, Tree is uncharacteristically cold, angry and bitter. When he later attempts to negotiate with her, he initially stays calm, answering her questions patiently, but eventually loses his temper and starts shouting at her after she repeatedly refuses to take his words seriously and insults him. Other notable examples of Tree's vulnerable side are shown when he was visibly hurt and frustrated by SkyClan and ShadowClan's refusal to listen to his attempts to help them compromise, and when he angrily reprimanded Finleap for accusing him of trying to "steal" Twigbranch.” - Warriors Wiki.


文学 Treeに似たキャラクター
