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Vaporwave mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Vaporwaveはどのような性格タイプですか? Vaporwaveは、INFP in MBTI、4w5 - sp/sx - 497 in Enneagram、RCUAI in Big 5、SEI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I can explain why i see INFP in this aesthetic: Fi: At the core of this aesthetic we can see “nostalgia”, “sentimentality” in some way and mostly how it feels to that person. Some vaporwave things aren't related to retro or the past at all, but it describes this time in a special way, by playing on listener's feelings. I noticed the similar thing in dreamcore. Ne: In the pictures that are usually attached to vaporwave albums, you can see things that usually aren't related to each other: the art from ancient Greece and modern Japan, nature and futurism. In my opinion only Ne-user could combine 3D-model of dolphins with greek statue and add some random japanese katakana words that always mean something like “cyber meditation club” and, certainly, retro-styled slowed remix playing at the background. And, of course, Si means that obsession with retro, related to past or nostalgic things


Vaporwave (also called "vapor") is a genre of music that originated on The Internet at the beginning of The New '10s. Staples of the genre include the use of (and/or influence from) smooth jazz, R&B and Japanese City Pop from The '80s and 90s; corporate iconography and sloganeering; early computer-generated artwork; symbols of capitalism and opulence; and a clear case of irony poisoning. Music created during these early years primarily consisted of taking music from the 1980s and chopping and screwing it — cutting loops of songs out and slowing them downnote — as well as adding filters, reverbs and delays. This "first wave" or "classic" vaporwave sound — also known as eccojams — is synonymous with the name of the genre, and there are many artists who still work in this style.
