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Lucius Vorenus mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Lucius Vorenus mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Lucius Vorenusはどのような性格タイプですか? Lucius Vorenusは、ISTJ in MBTI、6w5 - so/sx - 613 in Enneagram、RCOEN in Big 5、LSI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I feel compelled to weigh in to clarify the Enneagram of Lucius (ISTJ is so clear that I won't go into it). This is the very frequent conundrum: is it 6 or 1? Where are his values coming from, an external source (authority, belonging that provides safety) or an internal one (gut feeling that just knows what's right)? Because both types are "compliant" to their superegos. But just read the mistype page at the Enneagram Institute and it's utterly clear: <<These two types are easy to distinguish, however, by noting the overall emotional tone of each type. Average Sixes are anxious, indecisive, ambivalent, and, above all, reactive. They find it difficult to relate to others with self-confidence as equals, tending either to become too dutiful and dependent or to go to the opposite extreme and become rebellious and defiant. Sometimes they get stuck in the middle and become ambivalent, indecisive, and vacillating. These traits are almost completely absent in average Ones. Their overall emotional tone is one of self-controlled, impersonal efficiency, orderliness and propriety. Ones are emphatically not indecisive: they know their own minds and have opinions about everything, which they are more than willing to express to others. Ones are certain, and trying to convince others that they know the optimal way to do things. Sixes are uncertain, and rely on reassurance, back-up, familiar procedure, or the sanction of previously tested ideas and philosophies to help them come to decisions.>> Lucius is TOO sure, to a fault; he's not anxious at all, his overall emotional tone is of repressed anger, frustration, body tension... a stereotypical E1, actually such a good portrait - great acting! - that you should carve this chacter into your memory as the E1 archetype. (There are other E6 in the show, characters who have doubts and are indecisive... not Lucius). Also, he is a Catonian, but do not mix up his being a Stoic with following an external credo out of an inner-committee self-doubt: he's just like Cato himself in the show, an E1 as well, just more practical and less high-minded, but both following what "The gut" tells them. No anxiety, no fear, just full-throttle repressed anger and resentment, just like the Enneagram teaches us. He actually reminds me of another great example of an E1 old-fashioned roman in turbulent times: Maximus Decimus Meridius from Gladiator. Different MBTI, same Enneagram


One of the two protagonists. We first meet him as a centurion of the 13th Legion in Gaul who has not seen home nor his family for 8 years and wishes for nothing but to go back to them. Vorenus is an impeccably honest and honorable man who values tradition, law and loyalty to the Roman Republic above all... something that will bring him innumerable problems. Played by Kevin McKidd.
