1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. Flipped (2010)

Juli Baker mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Juli Bakerはどのような性格タイプですか? Juli Bakerは、ENFP in MBTI、4w3 - sx/so - 478 in Enneagram、SLUAI in Big 5、IEE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

the confusion in her votes is understandable, especially since shes not exactly in a very 'healthy' state by the end of the film, but i think ENFP makes much more sense for her; moreover, her core 4 could also be attributed to y shes possibly being mistaken for a fi dom. theres no doubt that her ne & fi r both very strong, however when distinction cannot easily be made between which one is the stronger out of the dom & the aux, we must resort to calibrating the presence of the last two functions: the tert & inf. in julis case, i believe inferior si is much more suitable. she almost exclusively lacks any particular sort of order or sophistication in her life; si is the function that gives a person the potential to methodically collect details & information through an internalised perspective, in order to use said information as the basis of staying grounded. unorganised and defying in nature, shes not very attentive in class nor does she pay any heed to norms or conventions. examples of this trait include her eccentric habits such as looking at how far away the bus is while sitting on trees, jumping to befriend bryce (the latter of whom is more well-grounded due to much higher si) the moment she sees him move into the neighbourhood & then later on in school, sniffing him nonchalantly, easily opening up & talking to strangers like chet, etc. one could also say that juli often does things on a whim or in instantaneous moments without considering any past influences, this feature of her personality can be seen during the auction when she suddenly bids on eddie, in her decision to take care of her hens & then deal with the surge of eggs they laid without any careful planning out, when she immediately moves on to fixing her backyard after hearing bryces comments, amongst other scenes. moreover, the way she behaves around bryce somewhat disregards socially acceptable manners: she isnt shy at all about her feelings for her, is openly affectionate with him in public (although the audience can clearly tell hes embarrassed), is not scared of doing what she wants, things that are indicative of low si suppressed by ne as she does not have a sense of defying personalised beliefs. the sycamore tree in itself is the only 'past-related' thing that she latches onto, this is an almost childlike manifestation of inferior si. additionally, her te is actually observed more frequently than the former, after the dispute with bryce over eggs & other topics, her mannerisms are very rooted in ne-te. she becomes rational, straightforward, and objective, confronting him regularly without any hesitation. some quotes from her that show te: juli: "i think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light. dont u?" bryce: "well, if by 'beautiful' you mean unbelievably ugly, then, yes, i would agree." juli: "ure just visually challenged. i feel sorry for u." "as i looked in his eyes, those dazzling eyes, for the first time i was pretty sure that bryce lowski was less." "then that makes u a coward." "chet, if ure here because of what bryce said, i dont need ur help." "it was just a tree." (ne-te trying to influence si) the scene where she refuses to get out of the sycamore tree despite the danger that she knew she was in, is very demonstrative of ne-te; she omits any perception of relativity and sticks to what she wants to do in that exact moment. "it seemed like the whole town was there, but still i wouldnt move." also, the times when she would find any way possible to avoid having to see bryce at school (both times after the tree was cut & after bryce tried to kiss her) were the most ne-te thing ever. i hope my explanation at least slightly justifies the ENFP consensus.

